Profile picture of Henry Tu

Henry Tu

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Henry Tu
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28-Jun, 2022

All reviews from Henry Tu

There is a satisfactory manufacturer!

Henry Tu Given 5 star on everlighten 28-Jun, 2022

We are a socks company from California, USA. We failed to find a reliable manufacturer to produce a small batch of high-quality socks until we met Everlighten. We connected their company, and they are very patient and professional. When we received the sample of socks, we were satisfied. Even though we have changed many times during the transaction, they were still very patient. We had stringent requirements on the quality of socks; the materials of socks must be premier, the color must be the same as the design, and there be no loose threads. More importantly, the socks must be comfortable, breathable, and durable. Everlighten also did it. We are satisfied with the high quality of socks and their patient service. EverLighten is changing the world of custom apparel and accessories manufacturing! You can connect them by clicking Everlighten - a custom apparel and accessories manufacturer - have the highest quality products and the best service I have met. They can help you design custom shirts, and there is no minimum order quantity. You can also find some business ideas in their blogs. You can connect them by clicking EverLighten: Custom Product Manufacturing Platform.