Profile picture of Sylvia Ortiz

Sylvia Ortiz

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Sylvia Ortiz
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Join Date :
05-Feb, 2022

All reviews from Sylvia Ortiz

Really happy with Primadesigning

Sylvia Ortiz Given 5 star on Prima Designing 05-Feb, 2022

I subscribed for designing my online store with Prima Designing. Received multiple calls from their sales team and made some research as well. Initially I was a bit concerned because one review mentioned they did not deliver and kept the money. However my experience with them is really amazing. These guys are offering the best competitive bid. I never believed how come they offer designing at such price. But when my store designing completed I was really happy with what they delivered. I can rate support team communication 9/10. Timely delivery 9/10, Knowledge or skill label of the technical team as 9.5/10. If you ask me if I would recommend them to anyone, I would say definitely Yes.