Profile picture of Law Office of Gerald M. Gallant, LLC

Law Office of Gerald M. Gallant, LLC

Full Name :
Law Office of Gerald M. Gallant, LLC
Email :
Age :
10 years
Listing of company :
Numbers of review :
Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
375 Bridgeport Avenue (Main Floor, Shelton, CT 06484, United States

About Law Office of Gerald M. Gallant, LLC

All licensed lawyers are intelligent, well- educated people who must pass an arduous testing procedure and obtain a Juris Doctorate degree prior to practicing law in the State of Connecticut. Just like Attorney Gallant, many attorneys who have engaged in their profession for any appreciable length of time are seasoned and experienced advocates. There is a difference, however, in how that education and experience translate into real life situations. Does the attorney listen to you carefully and keep YOUR interests in mind or does the lawyer substitute the lawyer’s preferences for your wishes? Does the attorney explain your rights to you in a way that you understand? Do you receive practical tips and sound advice? You should be comfortable with your representative and your lawyer should be comfortable with you. We invite you to contact Attorney Gallant to see if the fit is right for both of you.