Profile picture of Studio 21 Salon

Studio 21 Salon

Full Name :
Studio 21 Salon
Email :
Age :
11 years
Listing of company :
Numbers of review :
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Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
4557 Pine Tree Cir, Birmingham, AL 35243, United States

About Studio 21 Salon

If you are looking for a "salon experience" that not only allows you a GREAT HAIRCUT, but also innovative and trend-setting color techniques with personal attention to your specific have found the place! The professional team at Studio 21 Salon focuses on maintaining the most current knowledge of cutting, color and styling trends in the industry. We separate ourselves from our competitors through continued education, the use of only the finest professional hair care products found in the business and a primary focus on hair care.

Studio 21 has been in business for more than 20 years. We are proud to have a large staff of highly skilled and trained stylists offering a range of services to help discover the best look for you. Everyone is made to feel welcome from career men and women---on the go in need of a lunchtime service---as well as moms, teens, children and those just visiting the Birmingham area looking for that "special-event" style.