Profile picture of Gentlemens Grooming

Gentlemens Grooming

Full Name :
Gentlemens Grooming
Email :
Age :
6 years
Listing of company :
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Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
2104 University Blvd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, United States

About Gentlemens Grooming

Great Barber Shop. Just as the name Gentlemen’s Grooming implies, this Barber Shop is designed for men that enjoy being pampered. I received a great haircut, warm lather neck shave, hot steam towel, shampoo and styling. I really like how it is decorated with leather chairs and couch. I noticed a cow hide on the wall along with deer heads, wooden shaft golf clubs, etc. As you can tell from my taking time to write this, I really enjoyed my experience at Gentlemen’s Grooming. I normally hate having to get a haircut, but now I am looking forward to my next one as I really enjoyed my trip to the Barber this time. Oh, a great side note. The barbers there are girls and not bad on the eyes