Profile picture of The Willows Day Spa

The Willows Day Spa

Full Name :
The Willows Day Spa
Email :
Age :
17 years
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Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
1115 E 6th St, Tuscumbia, AL 35674, United States

About The Willows Day Spa

If you want to experience the best of southern hospitality, you must visit The Willows Day Spa Boutique & More in Tuscumbia. Owned and operated by 3 local women, alongside an impressive fully licensed staff. We provide a variety of high-class services with a down-home atmosphere. We offer hair and nail salon services, a wide range of waxing services, massage and body treatments, skin care, yoga. The salon and nail areas have multiple stations available, ensuring enough room to host large groups, bridal parties, and more. Along with that, we have 7 spa treatment rooms, 3 of which accommodate couples/doubles services. An infrared sauna, shower room, and crystal healing bed are also available. Join us for slow flow or beginning yoga classes in our Wellness Studio.

Enjoy shopping our boutique where you can find famous brands like BARE MINERALS, Bioelements, Allure, Alchemy, Young living, Willow Tree, Matrix, Kenra, World’s Softest Socks, It’s A Girl Thing, Natural Life and much more. You are sure to find the perfect gift in our artisan market of The Willows own locally sourced handmade bath and body products, crystals, and hand-crafted jewelry.

You are sure to find something you love. So, come on in, let us fix you a cup of tea or coffee, and enjoy your day at The Willows Day Spa.