Profile picture of Lemon Sage Day Spa | Salon

Lemon Sage Day Spa | Salon

Full Name :
Lemon Sage Day Spa | Salon
Email :
Age :
7 years
Listing of company :
Numbers of review :
Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
3322 Memorial Pkwy SW Ste 524, Huntsville, AL 35801, United States

About Lemon Sage Day Spa | Salon

Hello! I'm Tierra Holley, licensed cosmetologist and nail educator with Medusa Nails.  I created Lemon + Sage Day Spa with the everyday person in mind. I wanted to emphasize the importance of preventive care through basic grooming services as well as self care which allows us to operate at our fullest potential!