Profile picture of Ulta Beauty

Ulta Beauty

Full Name :
Ulta Beauty
Email :
Age :
12 years
Listing of company :
Numbers of review :
Companies :
Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
388 Cox Creek Pkwy, Florence, AL 35630, United States

About Ulta Beauty

Since day one, we’ve been visionaries, reimagining the future of beauty and retail—seeing possibilities where others see limits. And it has paid off.

Today, we’re a Fortune 500 corporation and the largest specialty beauty retailer in the United States. We are the place for true beauty enthusiasts, who find joy in beauty as they experiment throughout our store. We are the only one to offer our guests prestige, mass and salon products and services under one roof. And because we put our guests at the center of all we do, we can offer them unrivaled ways to be beautiful in an environment that encourages the thrill of exploration and delight of discovery.