Profile picture of Platinum Auburn

Platinum Auburn

Full Name :
Platinum Auburn
Email :
Age :
7 years
Listing of company :
Numbers of review :
Companies :
Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
337 E Magnolia Ave, Auburn, AL 36830, United States

About Platinum Auburn

Platinum is Auburn's newest collaboration of female artists specializing in esthetics and cosmetology. Founded by Kate Fuller, Auburn native, Platinum was created to provide a luxury space for women to receive premiere hair and body treatments. Our team is filled with motivated and educated individuals who strive to give you not only expert services but a platinum experience. We created a relaxing environment that's enjoyable, so that while you are being serviced you can feel comfortable. Esthetics and Cosmetology is not only a business to us, but an outlet to help our clients feel as confident on the outside as they are on the inside.