Profile picture of Southern Curly Girl

Southern Curly Girl

Full Name :
Southern Curly Girl
Email :
Age :
7 years
Listing of company :
Numbers of review :
Companies :
Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
201 Cahaba Park Cir, Birmingham, AL 35242, United States

About Southern Curly Girl

What inspired me to be a hairstylist? I became a licensed stylist in 1974, so I’ve seen a lot of hair trends come and go, but the common elements that remain the same have always been: beauty and confidence. I myself, and both of my children, all have curly hair. Over the years, learning to love and embrace the waves and frizz, rather than fight them, became important.
My favorite thing about curls is: Curls allow you to not take yourself too seriously – especially in a wind storm.
Words to live by: Feeling beautiful and knowing how to manage the hair God gave you, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself! I want every client I have to leave the salon feeling their most attractive and knowing that the experience they just had was worth coming back for