Profile picture of Hair By Kandice

Hair By Kandice

Full Name :
Hair By Kandice
Email :
Age :
3 years
Listing of company :
Numbers of review :
Companies :
Join Date :
31-Mar, 2021
Country Name :
United States
Full address :
1800 McFarland Blvd E #414 Suite 120, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, United States

About Hair By Kandice

Kandice S. Ryan was born October 9, 1979 in Tuscaloosa,  AL. She has been braiding hair since the age of 14 and has been doing so professionally for over 20 years now. She was inspired to become a cosmetologist by her late aunt, Valeria Ryan, who was a professional cosmetologist herself for many years. Kandice graduated from Central High School of in 1998. She officially joined the Charming Kreations staff in March 2016 where she was a hair braider and natural hair stylist until July 1, 2020, during the COVID pandemic, she made the decision to move into her own suite. She services women, men, and children specializing in braids, silk press, sew ins, crochets, dreads, color, natural styles and more.